
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Final Project Proposal: The Political Girl

I would like to create a multimedia website called The Political Girl. The Political Girl's objective is to empower the next generation of women leaders by creating a community for women interested in politics.

Background: Since I could remember I have been interested in politics. Everything about it is fascinating to me from elections, to campaigning, even the politicans themselves. However, as I grew older I realized there were few women that had the same kind of interest as me.

Proposal: I would like to create an online community for young women interested in politics. The community will feature the lastest news on politics with a particular focus on issues that are of interest to women. The Political Girl will also feature pages/multimedia tools on the latest political women, including women in Congress and those that are cabinent secretaries. The website also will feature a chat room feature so that young women can freely talk with others about the latest political news. Additionally, The Political Girl will also feature the latest events, jobs, and internships for young women interested in breaking into the political field.

Audience: My target audience would be young women from the ages of 16 - 40. Women who are interested in politics and are looking to break into the field. I would market the website on social media sites such as twitter, facebook, etc. Furthermore, I would reach out to colleges and universities and try to market young women in school.

Competition: While there are other websites that focus on politics, few focus on issues that women care about, or encourage women to become more politically active. When thinking of similar website, the only one that comes to my mind is Emily's List. While they encourage young women to become more politically active, their main function is raise money for women running for office. Yet there is no other website that explictly seeks to encourage and empower women to become leaders, and cultivate that energy on the world wide web. And thats where The Political Girl comes in to fill that need.

Design:  The website will be very user friendly, and utilize different mulitmedia tools. It will display videos, pictures, and slideshows. The website will also feature a chat room feature where users are able to sign up using email registration, and communicate with other users of the site. The site will feature interviews as well, and weekly marketing tools such as the "On the Bookshelf" (featuring the latest political reads) and "Overheard on the Hill(the latest gossip and chit chat on Congress).

Marketing: I think that The Political Girl is a marketable idea because women make up more than half of the electorate. Studies show that women vote more than their male counterparts, yet are not equally represented in Congress. With The Political Girl website I hope to change that. Not only are we encouraging women to run for offices, but be the muscle behind the office. Be campaign managers, or chief of staffs, or field directors, or even communication directors. With Political Girl anything is possible.


  1. Hi, I love this idea! There is no such a website with a target audience like yours. I think it will work! Try your luck with some foundation for financial support!

    Keep going and good luck!

  2. Political Girl is a great idea; I wish it was already a website! As a girl interested in politics there is defiantly a need for an online community that is based around women interested in/are in politics. You’ve got a great base for Political Girl I just think you should expand on a few elements. I think it is important to get girls interested in politics at a young age – maybe your website could offer a virtual mentoring program, creating a stronger bond and promoting first hand learning, jobs, etc. Perhaps you could link your platform with “Bring Your Daughter to Work Day” – but seek out professional women in positions of power within the political arena. You also might want to look at Girls Club of America, Girl Scouts etc. to capture a younger audience.
    I’m also wondering if you would support a mobile application or something that ‘transports’ your message. Also, are individuals going to sign-up for membership and will they have to choose a party? Will you include local politics as well (ex.‘Select ‘woman’ etc.) I think the chat room idea is good but you might want to modify or add a forum so people can sign on throughout the day and keep up with the politics on Political Girl. Finally, would you have a head spokeswoman – perhaps a woman who has had a successful career in politics as a ‘famous face’ drawing people into the community?
    Sounds like a much needed addition to the internet culture as well as the broader political culture!

  3. I like this concept. I would be interested to learn how many young women would become a part of the site. I think its important for young women to understand how the political process effects their lives. What about a place as well for young girls to begin a discussion group or lead a group within their own community? Sort of like the current Tea Party concept where an individual could start a conversation within their community by connecting with various people. Also what about platforms like ning maybe to begin the website on. The startup cost would be minimal. Would the site be updated daily or weekly with new articles? I am interested to see how this concept turns out.

  4. I applaud your interest in politics and desire to get more women involved in the political arena. Would there or should there be a political point of view or would it be a forum where all are welcome and all can participate in civil discussions? State and local politics are particularly important and areas where women could wield even more influence than they do now. Your website could be a great way to teach young women how to build local political networks using all the resources of the web and new media. How about a U.S. map where you click on your state & county to get contact information, chat rooms, etc.? What if you also had a place for older women to participate -- perhaps as mentors? I think your idea is doable. You could make it as broad or as narrow as you wanted. Bonnie

  5. I definitely like this idea! Would you be providing the same political content for your audience? For example, an article from The Atlantic may be appealing to a woman in her 30's, but not necessarily for every 16-year-old girl.Secondly, will the site cover all women in politics under one "roof" or will it be broken down by political groups? For example, would women in the democratic party have their own section, Republicans their own, etc?
    Great job!

  6. Wow Bonnie you are a genius!!! I love your idea about having an interactive site that focuses on states and local politics. YOu can click on it and find out what women(or lack thereof) are working in your own community. And others mentioned about actually starting the organization so that they can go back and empower their local commutities. You guys have definitely gave me something to think about. Whoo hoo!
