
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Story or Topic?

"Toyota recalls additional 1.09M vehicles in US"

Video - Talking with car owners' about the recall
Video - Talking with the CEO of company about the recall
Pictures/Slideshow - Of all the different Toyota brands affected by the recall
Pictures/Slideshow - Of all the known accidents caused by cars
Story/Multimedia - How much money they are projected to lose because of the recall

Story -  Compares Toyota's latest recalls to other car companies' recalls
Multimedia/Drawing/Picture - tool that examines the foot pedals and other parts of the car
Video/Story - On the history of Toyota's company
Video - Behind the scene look at a car plant (look at how cars are made)
Story/Multimedia - A look at how much money they have made over the past years, and how much they are estimated to lose because of this recall


  1. Kristilyn,

    I really like your idea of asking the CEO of Toyota about the recent recall. It'd be interesting to hear what he has to say. I also really like the idea of having a story and video looking back on the history of Toyota. It might also be a good idea to include in that story a look back at all of the recalls in Toyota's history.


  2. I like your topic idea of looking at the way cars are manufactured and the history of Toyota.
    I also like the way you put the money losses in perspective -- look at profits over the years and compare to estimated losses of this recall. The financial hit to Toyota is huge but the damage to the company's reputation is even bigger.

  3. I like the ideas about comparing car companies to see how many recalls have been done. I think this is important because the public fails to realize just how often these situations occur. Toyota is not a new phenomenon. Sad though, car dealers don't make cars like they use to anymore.
